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Unfortunately for Tanjiro, an accidental near-run in with his little sister makes Kyojuro realize that the Kamado family is completely unaware of their eldest son's relationship. Everyone in the club thinks they're a perfect match, and it's been smooth sailing more or less from the outset. Language: English Words: 18,088 Chapters: 7/13 Comments: 12 Kudos: 60 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 730Īmethystfairy1 Fandoms: 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime)Īfter an event that would go down in Judo club history as 'the closet incident' Tanjiro and Kyojuro have been courting rather blissfully for the past six months. (Heavily based on the movie: Aladdin: Disney. And what he doesn't know is that person is the Prince of Wisteria Island. That is until Kyoujurou spots the most handsome person he's ever seen. From that day on, Kyoujurou raised his younger brother and the two has to steal to get by the long and tireless days. He doesn't remember much about his parents but knows that they randomly disappeared one day and never came back. Kyoujurou has been homeless for as long as he can remember. Dance of the Fire God | Hinokami Kagura (Kimetsu no Yaiba).Silent_voices Fandoms: 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime)

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